In 1996 Koorosh Angali published his first compilations of poetry titled In Search of One's Own Self, distributed by Nashr-e Ketab Publications in Los Angeles, California. It was the first of two volume that he published bearing the same title. With the exception of a few magazine reviews and book-signing sessions, the exposure was not up to his expectations, mostly due to the fact that the Iranians in diaspora were not much into reading at the time. Now that he lives in Tehran, he has prepared a new version, having added many more poems and omitted a few from the first publication, in order to publish the volume in Iran. The title will remain the same.
In 2022 after moving back too Iran, he decided to publish some more volumes covering his poetry. Eventually he published three volumes, two including his free verse, and one in the traditional style. The first one bore the same title In Search of One's Own Self (در جستجوی خویش), which he had already used for his first volume. The second one is titled Further Search in Oneself, and the third is titled Death and I Laughed Together. All were published by the Nashr-e Zarrin-e Andishe Publishing Co.